NExus Letters all 50 States!
Most people are familiar with combat service causing PTSD. However, there are many circumstances that can lead to service connection for PTSD.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can affect anyone who experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. A nexus letter is helpful. While most people associated PTSD with military combat, it can also be caused by:
● Any near death experience
● Threatened or actual physical assault ( i.e. physical attack, robbery, mugging, domestic violence)
● Rape or other acts of sexual violence (Military Sexual Trauma)
● Severe motor vehicle accident
● Natural or human-made disasters
● Witnessing a medical catastrophe in another
● Traumatic medical events (i.e. waking up during surgery, anaphylactic shock, trauma during childbirth, hospitalization in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with a life-threatening condition)
● Medical catastrophe in one's child
● Gruesome incidents observed by First Responders and Rescue Teams (i.e. EMTs, paramedics, firefighters, and police officers)
● Witnessing the serious injury, unnatural death, or physical or sexual abuse of another person
Becoming service-connected for these non-combat stressors is possible. Your chances of a successful service connection increase if you have a nexus letter.
It can be incredibly difficult to become service connected for Military Sexual Trauma (MST). This is because, most people very rarely report their sexual assault at the time that it occurred due to understandable feelings of humiliation, shock, emotional pain, worry about being blamed, fear of not being believed, concern about retaliation, and limits of confidentiality. A nexus letter can help. The VA has outlined marker evidence that they will accept in place of direct evidence of a reported sexual assault while in-service. This list includes:
A. Visits to a medical or counseling clinic or dispensary without a specific diagnosis or specific ailment.
B. Sudden requests that the veteran’s military occupational specialty or duty assignment be changed without other justification.
C. Lay statements indicating increased use or abuse of leave without an apparent reason such as family obligations or family illness.
D. Changes in performance and performance evaluations.
E. Lay statements describing episodes of depression, panic attacks or anxiety but no identifiable reasons for the episodes.
F. Increased or decreased use of prescription medications.
G. Increased use of over-the-counter medications.
H. Increased disregard for military or civilian authority.
I. Obsessive behavior such as overeating or under eating.
J. Pregnancy tests around the time of the incident.
K. Increased interest in tests for sexually transmitted diseases.
L. Unexplained economic or social behavior changes.
M. Treatment for physical injuries around the time of the claimed trauma but not reported as a result of the trauma.
N. Breakup of primary relationship.
Dr. Allen will carefully and thoroughly review your records to find marker evidence that can be added to your nexus letter to support your claim .
You can reach our office at (919) 849-8617 or use the button below to schedule your free consultation to discuss getting service connected for PTSD and/or MST.
We provide nexus letters for all of these conditions and more!